If you have enjoyed riding along in the bus with us.

Please consider purchasing a piece of our art to have and to hold.

We are ever grateful for your support.


  1. Hey Rachel & James,

    I wish I could donate more to help support your journey, but unfortunately I am trying to pinch pennies to fund an adventure of my own. An adventure which has now taken on a whole new light after coming across your page. You are an incredibly inspiring pair, and I envy you both. Please continue this great project and know that you are making a change in people’s lives. I hope that one day, our paths may cross on the road.

    Thank you so very much.


  2. Okay! Love the fact that your living this nomadic life style, honestly hope to do it the summer I graduate high school! Alas my adventure will only be to touch the four corners of this continent we call America within 3 months! And I know it’s pricy so that’s why I’ve been saving since I was 16 so I can at least make it to the west coast and back. I wish I could buy the paper maps but I got in trouble recently with big brother after I got my license and well I received a $600 ticket so I’m dealing with that. But hey stay awesome, and keep up the awesome work!

  3. Thank you for your call to non-action, I just found it in my mailbox today, and it really made my day.
    Keep traveling!

  4. Hi James and Rachel-
    I was just telling Steve I was going to buy this, and he said he already did, just this morning. 🙂 I can’t wait for it to arrive.
    I LOVE following your journey. You absolutely inspire me to enjoy our great outdoors whenever I can.
    Lots of Love,

    • Thanks Sue!!! You Two are the Best! Lots of Love right back at ya.

  5. Hi Guys ,

    I found you on Instagram and have been following your adventures. I really enjoy the photos and essays. As for another way of support have you considered something like Patreon so can receive support on a monthly basis?

    Just an idea.


    • James,

      Sorry for the late response! Thanks for being part of our journey, and for reading our posts. That means a lot to us!

      Thanks for proposing the Patreon idea! We have checked out the system, and have a few ideas rumbling around about how to best move forward with the different projects we’d like to create. We’ve been throwing around the idea of monthly videos, or podcasts, to patreon. If you had any feedback on which direction we could go, we’d love to hear your ideas! Thank you for encouraging us; you got us talking about exciting things.

      Much Love,


  6. I love following your lives through Instagram!!! It is an inspiration to many. Not only your incredible pictures but your wisdom filled words as well! Can’t wait to get my copy of Paper Maps! I often say and truly believe “there are no ordinary moments” and you certainly are an example of this. Keep on doing what you do. Enjoy each and every moment.

  7. Keep bussing and sharing! Wish I could send more $, know how a few bucks can keep the tank full and the adventures rolling. Live the dream!

  8. Rachel & James,
    I received my personal and awesome paper maps today and it absolutely filled my heart with joy, I shared it with my wife and we relished in your pursuit of an idle life. I closed my FB page in an attempt to disengage in some small way, to have my own idle time. It is uncomfortable, I find myself wanting to log in, I resist, I read, I contemplate my navel, I study, I pet my Sasha do and I resist some more. You have my address and as before you are always welcome, no notice is necessary, I shall know you have arrived when I see your beautiful little Sunshine hovering in the driveway. Keeping being idle!!!
    Love Jason & Monica

    • *my Sasha dog 🙂 that could be interpreted in a myriad of ways 🙂

  9. I like your blog and wanted to know if you believe in in God only because I would like to separate from the servitude of this world. But someone always brings up if you don’t work you don’t eat and the lack of my contribution to the society if I don’t maintain a full-time job. Do you believe God has taken you down this path

  10. Rachel & James,
    I have received the paper maps on time for Christmas. It is a real pleasure to read you and the photographs are stunning! The design and drawings are stylish. Thank you for sharing your theory and the episodes of your life. I wish all the best!
    (From France)

  11. Hello guys
    I really love your way of life
    Love the idea…
    Love travelling…
    Love freedom…
    Love nature….
    I believe some day ill be in your place too…..
    Enjoy your life my friends, there is no second round.

    • Hi Orgad,

      Thank you for all of your good vibes. We’ve certainly found this to be a good quality of life, and are so glad it resonates with you. It truly is all about discovering balance, nature, freedom, and ideals.

      You are so right; there is no second round. Here’s to living big!


  12. Hi Rachel and James,

    We love so much your journey!!

    We would like to purchase your book – Orange is Optimism. Hope it is still available for us.
    Could you please let us know how long will shipping takes to Sri lanka?

    Much love, Sathya and Saman

  13. Hello! I follow you two pretty closely on Instagram. I enjoy learning things through your adventures, and look forward to my own soon! Stay happy and light!

  14. Hey fellow wanderers , this book is a surprise gift for my fellow roadie.. shhh… 😉

  15. Hello Darlings, Press close your hearts your minds and find delight even here. Words..gems really, far better actually. I’m older now, yet so much younger too, as I gave up the stuff to travel the world! I’m so pleased to have found you both. What you are about, the inspiration you provide..happiness are the memories, never the money! Take care, Dance on.. Warm Smiles and Baskets of Joy! Best, Rob

  16. I purchased your book – I’m impressed by the quality of the binding and the feel of the book. Some books feel luxurious to read and hold – this is one of those books.

    Thank you both for offering a glimpse into your courageous way of life; opening a vehicle for other dreamers (or wakers?). There is always room for more Walden-like inspiration and wisdom that communicates beyond the delightful beauty and zest of your youth, that inspires all humans to enjoy the Earth, practice gratitude, and to look around the unknown realms within.

    For as long as it brings you joy and fun, may the road rise to meet you.


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